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THERMO ELECTRIC supports its customers with a large range of SERVICES required to efficiently design, test, install and use our temperature measurement solutions.

All Sensors manufactured at any of our Thermo Electric facilities are individually tested as per our commitment to 100% Quality Control.

Our Services includes Calibration, Large range of testing, Engineering applications support and finally sites support.

We invite all our customers to contact us for identifying which support they might need for their specific applications.



Thermo Electric labs are designed with state of the art equipment and utilize the latest in calibration and quality control techniques. The formalized written procedures we use are based upon industry standards as well as our 50+ years of experience in the field of temperature measure. Our labs use only NIST traceable standards for all of our testing.

Maintaining Thermo Electric’s separate labs allow us to not only meet the delivery requirements of our customers, but also provides a means of insuring the accuracy and reliability of our readings.

Thermo Electric’s labs are used for testing incoming material to insure the quality and accuracy of all our products.We will also, at our customer’s request, perform non-destructive calibration tests on finished products. All finished product tests are documented by a formal written Report of Calibration which will satisfy the requirements of most industry standards. Please note all finished calibration testing must be requested at the time of order. All calibrations are performed using the comparison method similar to methods used at all major national labs. This allows us to maintain a calibration uncertainty of as low as .03 °C.

Thermo Electric labs are capable of testing at Cryogenic temperatures (-195.6 °C) as well as any temperature between -35°C and 1250°C. Our labs use a combination of liquid nitrogen, precision oil baths, fluidized salt baths and high temperature calibration ovens to maintain the stable temperatures that are critical to the calibration process.

In addition to standard temperature calibrations, Thermo Electric is also equipped and experienced in various other forms of sensor testing. We follow ASTM guidelines and procedures for:

Cycle Testing – repeated heating and quenching of finished sensors to insure against premature failure due to thermal stress.

Response Timedetermining the time required for a sensor to respond to a change in temperature.

IR Testing – Measuring the insulation resistance, at ambient and working temperature. IR failure is a leading cause of sensor failure.

System Calibration – Performing tests on completed assemblies, such as RTD/transmitter assemblies.

Our calibration laboratories and programs for thermocouple sensors and RTD’s are traceable to N.I.S.T and CSA and meet the requirements of MIL STD 45662A, ANSI -Z540-1, and ISO 10012-1.