The National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 requires federal agencies to consider the impact their actions have on our historic resources. In order to meet the requirements of this act, we require additional information for certain types of projects. Both grantees and the National Park Service have responsibilities to ensure the best care of our irreplaceable cultural resources.
In addition to the technical requirements outlined on this page, there are formalized standards titled Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines for Archeology and Historic Preservation. These Standards, which are actually a collection of resource- and treatment-specific standards and illustrative guidelines, apply to all Historic Preservation Fund grants and programs.
Grants funded by the Historic Preservation Fund are subject to review under what is popularly called "Section 106" of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended. Section 106, formally 54 USC 306108, requires Federal agencies to consider the impact (called "effect") of Federally funded projects on historic resources. The State, Tribal, Local, Plans & Grants Division will work with State and Tribal Historic Preservation Offices on your behalf to coordinate this review. The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation has prepared a helpful guide to this process with general information. The details of how the "Section 106" review works for your grant are described on the Project Review & Compliance page.
Read the requirements for and sequencing of the review and compliance process. This means what you need to submit for review under the National Historic Preservation Act and National Environmental Protection Act.
Documentation related to projects involving NHLs should be submitted within HPF Online for projects funded by an annual, formula grant.
Projects involving National Historic Landmarks will have additional reporting requirements. You should work with your grant manager to submit any needed information. The State, Tribal, Local, Plans & Grants Division will need to work with National Park Service regional office staff to review your project. If you have an established relationship with the National Park Service regional office in your area, you may submit documentation directly to them; however, you will still need to send your grant manager a copy of the letter from the regional office approving your project. If you do not have an established relationship with a regional office, please submit the information below directly to your grant manager and we will coordinate with the appropriate region for you. Most grantees prefer to let us handle working with our colleagues in regional offices.
Although it is rare that Historic Preservation Fund grants involve National Natural Landmarks, it does occasionally happen. In this case, you should follow the same guidance as for National Historic Landmarks.
For projects involving a National Historic Landmark, please submit the following before work begins:
Read the requirements for and sequencing of the review and compliance process. This means what you need to submit for review under the National Historic Preservation Act and National Environmental Protection Act.
Items sent via the United States Postal Service are irradiated prior to delivery to our offices and will arrive damaged. In addition, most staff are currently teleworking due to COVID-19. We very strongly encourage the submission of documentation electronically by email to your grant manager ; however, if necessary, technical information may be submitted by mail addressed to: