About Global Recruiting

Please register at Hitachi Recruiting My Page.
You can choose one of the two ways to apply.

* Please click here to see Applicant Guidelines.

1. Apply at Job Search Events such as a "Career Forum"

2. Apply through "Individualized Selection"

If you do not plan to participate in the job search event,please choose individualized selection.


The annual hiring schedule for fiscal for Global Recruiting is as follows.


Q1. How can I get the information about Hitachi and ask questions directly?

Please visit the Hitachi booth at job search events, such as Boston Career Forum. We will give you an overview of the company profile through our presentation.

Q2. What recruiting processes should international students go through? (Including schedule and locations)?

The schedules and locations for interviews will be set up individually during career forums and your temporary stay in Japan.
Please submit your application first. Then, you may have a chance to have an interview later.

Q3. How many international students studying outside of Japan will be hired?

There is no quota for accepting a certain number of applicants. Since Hitachi has hired international students every year, we have a large number of these employees who may have similar background with you.

Q4. Would Hitachi introduce us some employees who were international students studying outside of Japan?

Yes, but not to all of the applicants. For those applicants who have passed our recruiting screening will have a chance to meet these employees.

Q1. My graduation date is different from the universities in Japan. When can I join Hitachi?

Applicants can join Hitachi either in April (if they graduate between October of the previous year and March of the year) or October (if they graduate between April and September of the year).

Q2. If I join Hitachi in different time from the majority of the new recruits of the year, could I still have a chance to take a basic training class?

Yes. You do not have any disadvantages from the timing of the joining.

Q3. Is there something we should prepare or study before joining Hitachi?

There is no particular qualification you must acquire before joining.

Q1. I would like to work at an occupation that allows me to apply what I have learned as an international student. How will my job category and department be decided?

The job categories and department will be determined by your preferences and career goals.

Q2. Will we have a chance to work abroad immediately after joining?

Although we cannot make any promises, we have many international job opportunities available.

Q1. Does Hitachi offer any support programs for employees to acquire qualifications or study abroad?

Yes, we have a variety of support programs. However, you can only apply to it when we require you to have a certain special skill for the job and the business fields.

Q2. What is the compensation system for the international students who studied abroad?

It is the same with other new graduates.