Information for Counselors

Georgetown’s Office of Undergraduate Admissions is pleased to work in partnership with high school college counselors throughout the year. We hope that the information provided below will assist you and your students throughout the application process. You will find important information about the application process including our admissions and financial aid policies, timelines, high school preparation requirements, and the many resources and opportunities at Georgetown. If you have additional questions about the admissions process, we encourage you to contact the admissions office directly at (202) 687-3600.

Please note that our office does not partner with any independent counselors, college consultants or paid independent agents.

Instructions to Submit Counselor and Teacher Forms

Please note that we are not on Naviance and cannot receive any materials sent through the Naviance portal. We strongly prefer that you use our Georgetown online system to submit the Secondary School Report, Teacher’s Report, and Midyear School Report forms. You will have access to these forms once your student has added your name and email address to their Recommendations Request form, which is one of the additional required application forms. Please use the unique link sent to you in these emails to securely submit all supporting documents.

In addition to receiving forms through the unique link sent to you by your student, we are also accepting documents through If you have not already done so, we encourage you to establish a account for your school at no cost. Once an account has been established, you will be able to use to upload applicant materials. You will also be able to log in to and view the decisions for all applicants from your school when decisions are released. We prefer to receive through the Georgetown forms listed below.

Application Checklist and Deadlines

Georgetown Application
Additional Required Application Forms
Secondary School Report (including transcript)
Teacher’s Recommendation
A Non-refundable Application Fee of $75.00 – payable in USD
Results of the College Board Scholastic Assessment Test or the American College Testing Program examination sent directly from the testing service

All admitted first year students will then have until May 1 to submit their enrollment agreement and non-refundable deposit to reserve a place in the first year class.

The first year application is available in the early summer of each year. Early Action applicants should have all application materials postmarked by November 1 and will be notified by the admissions committee of their admissions decision by December 15. Regular Decision applicants should have all application materials postmarked by January 10 and will be notified by admissions committees of their admissions decision by April 1. Accepted students have until May 1 to mail their deposit.

Date or DeadlineAction
As soon as possibleSubmit the Georgetown Application
November 1Deadline for Early Action applications
December 15Announcement of Early Action results
January 10Deadline for Regular Decision applications
February 1Deadline for financial aid forms: CSS Profile and FAFSA
April 1Announcement of Regular Decision results
May 1Reply date for all accepted first year students

For all important information about the application process, we recommend you to print out the Information for Candidates document.

Application Forms for College Counselors and Teachers

The PDF version of our forms are posted here as an alternative option to be completed and mailed/emailed to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. While we will accept forms submitted via regular mail/US Postal Service, this will cause delays in processing and forms may also be lost en route, etc. And, due to volume, we may not be able to confirm receipt. Should you have questions about submission of the forms or documents, please contact our office for guidance by calling our main number (202) 687-3600.

Final Transcripts

Georgetown University requests final transcripts for all enrolling first year students. These transcripts will be reviewed to confirm continued academic success from the point of admission to graduation. Final transcripts should be submitted as soon as possible, but no later than August 1. All International Baccalaureate Diploma candidates are required to send official copies of their results immediately after they are released. All A-Level and Pre-U test takers are asked to send in official copies of their results when they are available in August and disregard the due date listed above.

Final Transcripts are accepted in two ways:

Exploring College Options Counselor Meetings

Each spring and fall, the Exploring College Options Group: Duke, Georgetown, Harvard, Penn and Stanford, hosts breakfast meetings for college counselors throughout the country. Please note that these meetings are open to high school counselors and counselors who work with students through community base organizations and not-for-profit educational outreach programs [certified as 501(c)(3)]. These meetings are not open to independent counselors. Please use the following link for more information about counselor breakfast meetings being held in your area:

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